los angeles california

IMLA Awards Recognition and Annual Meeting

At this year's in-person meeting we will update the By-laws of the Association. Please review the attached proposed revised By-Laws for your consideration and input.

The International Ministers and Lay Association of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church will host the 45th Annual Cameron W. Jackson Awards and Recognition Banquet on Tuesday, February 14, 2023, at 6:30 PST at the Hyatt Regency Los Angeles California Airport.

2023 International Ministers and Lay Association Award Nominees

And, don’t forget to renew your membership!

$37.00 for individual members and $107 for church membership. To pay through this website choose the Pay Now option. To receive and invoice pay via credit or debit card, choose the Invoice Now option.

IMLA Church Membership - $106
from $0.00
IMLA Individual Membership - $37
from $0.00

Thank you for supporting the efforts of the IMLA!