From the President's Desk

News & Updates

A changing church, but an unchanging God.

Statement of Purpose

Theme: “A changing church, but an unchanging God.”


(A special appeal to the steadfast and faithful member of the 51st Quadrennial Session of the General Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church).

Dear Sons and Daughters of Varick:

The International Ministers and Lay Association in collaboration with the Connectional Lay Council invite you to the Legislative Summit which will be held November 7-9, 2018, at the Kenneth Monroe Transformation Center, 745 Saluda Street, Rock Hill, SC 29730.  The Summit is designed to serve as a special legislative prelude to the 2020 General Conference.  The purpose is instructional pertaining to the legislative process, and the development of pertinent legislation which will help to strengthen our beloved Zion.  The goal is to make significant progress in helping to craft legislation, in the same spirit that Apostle Paul directed the church in Corinth in 1 Corinthians 14:40, “but all things should be done decently and in order.”  We anticipate a productive summit as well as build consensus, collaborate and work through compromises resulting in proposed legislation that will transform and sustain Zion.

The Legislative Summit will be A-Political as committees will deal with every major aspect of the church, including brief presentations on General Conference Rules, Roberts Rules of Order, legislation geared towards our Children and Youth, Millennials and Young Adults, Social Justice and the role and responsibilities of potential delegates.

We are encouraging all interested Zionites to attend this joint endeavor.

Persons desiring to serve on any of the committees are urged to visit which list the same, or contact either Reverend Erich Shumake at 502-905-2956 (email: or Dr. Yvonne A. Tracey 704-637-8687 (email: