From the President's Desk

News & Updates

2023 Legislative Development and Summit Program [Download]

Dear Sons and Daughters of Varick:

The Legislative Development and Summit, sponsored by the International Ministers and Lay Association and the Connectional Lay Council of the AME Zion Church, will convene April 13-14, 2023, in preparation for the 52nd General Conference.  We will be hosted by The Reverend Dr. Monte Witherspoon-Brown and the members of Steele Creek AME Zion Church located at 1500 Shopton Road, Charlotte, NC.   Our theme is “A changing church, but a never changing God.” Registration will begin Thursday morning of the 13th at 8:15 AM  (Registration is $100.00); worship to follow at 9:00 AM. Lunch will be served on Thursday.  All are encouraged to attend.  Please bring the 2016 and/or 2020 Book of Disciplines as we plan to have a tremendously informed hands-on Summit with participation from across our denomination with many of Zion’s greatest minds, talent, and knowledgeable members.  All are encouraged to attend.  


Rev. Dr. Anthony M. Witherspoon

President, International Ministers and Lay Association

LaKesha Womack